Academic Services
Our proofreaders remove grammatical problems such as punctuation, verb tense, spelling, and sentence structure that you may have overlooked. Our proofreading services will make your paper “Easy to Read,” “Easy to Understand,” “More Accurate,” and “More Polished.”
Copy Editing
Our editors will improve the clarity of your English and, if required, rewrite your material. We’ll work with you to make sure your case is crystal clear. Additionally, we will enhance language selection and change voice tone to meet the needs of your audience.
Technical Writing
Our editors will write any technical reports for you including engineering design, concept, project and experimental report. Our editor will also conduct a rigorous analysis for the mathematical calculation of your technical project.
Book Editing and Formatting
Our Editors will create an attractive document which includes dynamic page numbering, dynamic table of references (Contents Page, List of Figures, List of tables) and consistent text, headings, graphics etc.
Paraphrasing (Re-writing)
If you are uncomfortable about the quality of your work or if you are worried that your wording is too close to the original source text to avoid accusations of unintended plagiarism, Q1 edit will re-write all the significant sentences in your document.
SOP/ Cover Letter/ Eassy Writing
If you need to write Statement of Purpose (SOP) for university admission, Cover letter for job application and essay writing, our editors can help you perfectly in this case. We will write perfect SOP/Cover Letter/Eassy for you which will be best fitted to the applying universities or jobs based on your profile. You just need to send us a CV of yours and we will write SOP/Cover Letter/Eassy on behalf of you.